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My Story

My life as an artist changed the day I first walked in to Mr. Moustaka's 6th grade woodshop class. Combining my passion for painting with the ability to bring my designs into real life is nothing less than my dream. I hope the time my work spends in the stagelight can one day inspire others.

I've been a technician in every show our school has put on, including:

  • Costumes Team, Little Women (2020)

  • Lighting Team, Little Women (2020)

  • Set, Little Women (2020)

  • Scenic Designer, Noises Off (2021)

  • Assistant Stage Manager, Noises Off (2021)

  • Costume Designer, Chicago (2022)

  • Assistant Stage Manager, Chicago (2022)

  • Assistant Stage Manager, Showcase (2022)

  • Scenic Designer, Murder’s in the Heir (2023)

  • Scenic Designer, Music Man (2023)

  • Scenic Designer, Almost Maine (2023)

  • Scenic Designer, Mamma Mia! (2024)

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