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All about "Almost, Maine"

Almost, the mythical and close-knit community of Northern Maine may seem unextraordinary to wandering eyes. From first glance, it hosts plain, ordinary people, shut into their homes most of the year due to a grueling climate. But even the most normal citizens have stories to tell. Exploring the relationships between nine different couples on one magical, moonless night; Almost, Maine displays the complexities and overlaps of human emotions. With my set design, I hoped to continue through these themes; using mixed textures and transparency to symbolize the complexities of the characters. Through the implementation of silhouettes and translucency, I hoped to create a more intimate setting; allowing the audience to “see into” our characters' lives. 


The absolute first step in my process is creating an extensive mood board, following my directors statement (above) here are some of my biggest inspirations and their original annotations.

Main Projects

In accordance with our directors statement, I tried to carry through the essence of the Northern Lights onto the set, using twinkling lights, cool colors, and soft shapes to communicate a more abstract, organic and whimsical environment for our story. The playwright leaves many notes on how he does not want his characters to be portrayed as the stereotypical Maine fisherman, and I wanted to avoid any stereotypical coastal shacks. 

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